The war cast a shadow over hundreds of thousands of children in the north of Syria, where they are now suffering from major disorders, threatening their healthy and integrated development, and to address these great challenges that occur in their upbringing, and the advancement of the child scientifically and intellectually, WATAN began implementing its activities through the “Ahlan Sesame” project for the rehabilitation of caregivers, which targets the following centres:
This comes within the framework of its cooperation with the International Rescue Foundation (IRC), where the project aims to enhance interaction between caregivers and their children. The activities also target caregivers and parents of children under the age of eight with the aim of empowering the caregiver with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect his or her child from risks and abuse.
It is noteworthy that, since the beginning of January, the education team at WATAN Foundation began preparing for the establishment of new early childhood care centers and coordinating with stakeholders and local authorities. With the beginning of the second month and until now, the field work teams in the centers have begun to register the new beneficiaries of the caregivers and their children. Immediately, the facilitators began to provide various services to the project for both caregivers and children, which range from direct physical sessions, home awareness visits, WhatsApp groups, which focus on different topics.
The children’s sessions also dealt with a set of planned activities aimed at supporting children’s integrated development and preparing them for their proper integration into their societies in the upcoming developmental stages. Disadvantaged groups who have difficulty accessing centres were also targeted through home awareness visits and the formation of discussion groups for caregivers on WhatsApp, and various discussions related to parenting skills were raised.